Skill Development

We make efforts to reduce the gap of skill requirement and contribute to preparing the youth to be gainfully employed with relevant skills.

Employability is a challenge in our country. Many youths are not sufficiently equipped with the skills required to gain employment in the rapidly growing industry or corporate sector. This is due to poor quality of education and mismatch of skill requirements by the industry as the education does not prepare the youth with the vocational and employable skills. National Employability Report 2013released by Aspiring Minds, India’s leading Employability Solutions Company, states, “a significant proportion of graduates, nearly 47%, were found not employable in any sector, given their English language and cognitive skills.” Also, with the current skill set-up, it difficult for youth with minimal education to access formal skills training.

BrighterMe Foundation works with the aim of enhancing professional skills and employability of adolescents and youths in marketable trades and businesses through specialized training programs and placement services. We also prepare them to become entrepreneurs and lead successful business ventures. In this direction, make initiatives to:

•  Provide skill trainings in the area of retail, hospitality and entrepreneurship .

•  We also upskill students on Functional, Language and Behavioral skills.

•  We ensure that training in skills is responsive to the evolving market needs.

•  We frame our training curriculum after identifying employability skill- gaps in entry level roles.

• We work towards creating strong linkages with industry and corporates to offer placement opportunities for trained students. Career guidance is also provided to trainees.

• We ensure that our programs endorsed by industry and mapped to National Skill Qualification Framework.